Notice the difference in this woman’s face & skin. She photographed her 4 week journey, from how she looked starting this experiment (left & dehydrated) to 4 weeks later. The only thing she changed about her lifestlye , was drinking the correct amount of water for her body every day for a month.



How much water should you drink per day?
Please enter your weight:
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Simply establish your recommended daily water intake. Calibrate with side buttons and to “start” your day.

The built-in hydration flow meter monitors the amount of water that passes through the valve, and to you.

It’s intelligent software keeps you aware about your personal hydration levels by its number display on the screen - How much water have you consumed, out of how much your body requires per day to be on track.

The LCD screen illuminates a certain color to indicate how your hydration is going throughout the day. The lit screen radiates through the clear bite valve and cover.